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Closing the Eyes, Opening the Mind: Integrating Social Emotional Learning in Spanish Class

Closing the Eyes, Opening the Mind: Integrating Social Emotional Learning in Spanish Class
Tanya Olander

Social-emotional wellness, a key strategic focus at SSIS, is touching our community in many different ways. We’re excited to share how one teacher is incorporating wellness practices into her Spanish class, to enhance language acquisition and support our students' overall well-being.

Since the beginning of last school year, High School Spanish teacher, Rebeca Lozano, has been starting each class with a brief social-emotional learning (SEL) activity, which has transformed the learning environment. In a survey of her students, many report feeling calmer, more focused, and better prepared for their Spanish lessons. 

"It helps me to calm down and have better concentration in class," notes one of the students in their entry.

Three Main Practices

Inspired to integrate SEL practices more consciously and systematically into her classes after reading the book “Teaching with the Heart in Mind” by Lorea Martinez, Ms. Lozano started the practice last year. “It allows the students to “land” between classes, center themselves, and prepare their brains for learning,” she shares. Her goal is to create routines where students connect with themselves and each other, allowing them to move through their learning journey more mindfully and in unison. 

Expanding their vocabulary skills and testing their listening skills are two benefits of story time in Ms. Lozano's class.

The three main practices Ms. Lozano uses are:

  • Guided Meditation in Spanish: This practice helps students relax and clear their minds before diving into language learning. A student noted, "It helps me to reset my mind from other classes and helps me start Spanish class with an open mind." Another mentioned, "It helps me relieve my worries and makes me think more clearly."
  • Storytime in Spanish: Ms. Lozano reads stories in Spanish, which students find both enjoyable and educational. One student commented, "I enjoy listening to a real Spanish story; it's a way for me to test my listening skills." Another appreciates how it helps them expand their vocabulary.
  • Creative Drawing: This activity encourages students to think creatively and express themselves. A student remarked, "It helps me exercise my brain and think in other ways than what I normally do."

These practices have had a positive impact on many of the students, with the majority reporting improved focus, enhanced listening skills, and more relaxed in the learning environment. One student shared, "Although I find this class difficult, I feel very safe to make mistakes and ask questions…".

Added Benefits Beyond Language

The SEL activities are also benefitting students in many ways in addition to learning Spanish. As one student put it, "I like how we are sitting in a circle and everyone is close together. It is very cozy," noting how the practice is helping to build a sense of well-being and community within the classroom.

A majority of the students report improved focus, enhanced listening skills, and a more relaxed learning environment. 

Ms. Lozano's approach demonstrates how language learning can be integrated with wellness practices, creating a more holistic educational experience. As we continue to prioritize our students' well-being, we're grateful for our teachers who are finding creative ways to support both academic growth and emotional health in the classroom.


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