Dear SSIS Parents,
We are writing to let you know that there has been a recent increase in Influenza (flu) in our community. To minimize the risk of spreading the flu in our community, and to ensure that sick students have a safe and speedy recovery, please take note of the following:
Students with flu-like symptoms (cough, shortness of breath, nasal congestion, body aches, fatigue) must stay home until they have been symptom-free for 24 hours.
For more information about influenza, including common symptoms and healthcare tips, please review this CDC Flu Fact Sheet. As always, please consult a doctor if you are concerned about your child’s symptoms.
We would also like to remind you that any student or staff member with a temperature of 37.8˚ Celsius or higher is not permitted on campus. They must stay at home until they are fever-free for 24 hours (without taking fever-reducing medication).
As per Circular 2903/SYT-NVY, individuals with confirmed Influenza are required to remain at home for 7 days from the date of symptom onset.
Please be sure to read our Health Office Handbook and our Communicable Diseases Chart and take note of our school’s sick policy.
Reporting Your Child Absent
If your child will be absent from school for any illness, please notify your child’s divisional office as well as the divisional nursing office to report your child’s symptoms:
Kerry Brint
Health Office Manager